Friday 13 July 2012

Happiness,an art.

Hello everybody,a very good morning. I am trying to keep up with my blog but seriously i am hell of a busy. Still i want to be regular and i am trying hard for it. Its good for me to be regular actually. I just feel like writing about ' Happiness ' in life. As it is said 'Life is what we make it ' So its very true.Its upto everyone of us how we manage our lives. Either by overloading ourselves with worries and getting old and dying early due to these worries or just utilizing every moment of our lives in a better happier way.
I am not of the view that there are no troubles in our lives. Yes we do have but there are two ways to handle and solve them. First just with a lament by saying 'why this happened', 'shouldn't have happened' etc etc. Second by being solution oriented. Finding a way to solve problems because there is nothing impossible in this world. Happiness is an art which comes with self creativity and i believe every humanbeing is creative in his or her own way.

Good day to whoever reads my blogs. Need your feedback. Please come up with some suggestions.

Sunday 8 July 2012

This World

Hey, Hello everyone.Once again i am back. I try to stick to my blogs regularly from now on.
 Well today just want to write about this world.Seriously its a strange yet a beautiful place to live in. I mean there are so many colors in this world that at every step you get a big surprise and you say to yourself that ' I have never thought of this before '
These colors are the different traditions, different cultures, different people we meet when we move along in this world.The most important thing is though that how you are watching this world,i mean are you looking at this world with a positive,brighter lens or just finding faults in every bit of things /creation of this world. Its well said ' Nothing is good or bad,our thinking makes it so ' So its all about how we see this world, The more broader perspective you'll carry while moving in this world,the more you stay happy with everything/everyone coming your way rather than changing it the way you want it.
 So its all about accepting this world with all its weaknesses and strengths. Yes do good but by accepting that is coming towards you,the way its coming towards you.

 Good Day.

Friday 15 June 2012

Human Beings

 Hello. Well i have been thinking for a while now about us means human beings. We seriously are amazing creation of God.We are,our own leaders,our own teachers and what not.Its just like a kingdom within a human being that he/she always loves to rule. Its not a bad thing. i mean if every individual will not have control over him or herself than there are many invaders surrounding us to take charge of our very own personal kingdom. But one thing about human beings is a little awkward or disturbing and that is that we all are quite judgemental when it comes to have an opnion about others. Most of us donot try to know or understand the other person but still we want to give our final verdict as soon as we can. Thats one thing that is not good in us being human beings. Because it happens that sometimes we judge a person 's personality keeping in view only our own perspective,without getting in the shoes of other person. Seriously we need to improve because overall human beings are the most amazing creation on earth.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

 Hello and Morning. Today i feel like talking about Hate. I know its a very negative feeling in a human being but unfortunately it exist side by side the feeling of love. Why we hate? Why we possess such sort of a feeling.? Maybe it has some psychological aspect as well apart from others.  I mean every human being in his life goes through certain experiences which may not be good enough or harsh enough that they leave a negative trace on a man's personality. These negative feelings or thoughts he may carry with him for the rest of his life. As a result
many of us become selfish, producing negative feelings for others, feeling superior to every other person in a wrong way and what not. These elements in a human being produces hate. But how these feelings can be changed into positive thinking, positive behavior?.What contribution we all can give into our own lives to become a better person not only for ourselves but also for others?. Because sometimes its very easy to think good about and for our own selves but it becomes a rather a difficult task to think good about and for others as well. This is one area of human personality that needs to be cured. This may also help in curing the disease of Hate.

Friday 8 June 2012


Hey, Morning.  Well today i just feel like talking about the one feeling we all carry within us that is Love.
Now its not necessary that its only the love b/w a man and a woman but all sorts of love. Love sometimes gives us strength and sometimes make us weak from inside. When does it make us weak when we allow a flow of expectations from the other person to overcome our body and soul. I am not saying that 'OH I am perfect it doesnt happen with me'. Actually it does thats why i am writing about it. Because this is what happens with most of us normally. We just let ourselves be ruled by expectations from others and than when the other person whom we love doesn't respond the same way we feel like we are let down but if we just think for a while that the other person is also a human,we may try to expect less from him or her and try not to put up a fight but a good understanding instead.
Love is not about visualizing the next person the way we want to visualize but its to accept eachother they way they are.With all the weakness,strength and i think this is the real test of love. Love requires patience. Haste always makes waste. Love.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Poetic Faith.

Hello,Morning.Today we will be talking about one of the beautiful techniques which Coleridge has adopted in his poetry. That technique is known as "The Willing Suspension Of Disbelieve" It means that a pet imaginative power in his poetry is portrayed in such a way that it seems to be real to the readers who are reading the poem.
Its a very beautiful technique and S.T Coleridge has used in his many poems.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Life is all a matter of learning.

Hello everyone.Well life's being a little tough around but still it feels like it has so much to give and we all have so much to take if we really want to take it.I believe happiness is very much there when we just try to handle things in a smoother calm way,rather than rushing into cruel hasty decisions.
I met so many different sorts of people in my life and everytime i meet some one i learn good things from them.
Learning is life and life is all about learning.It doesn't matter who the next person from whom we just try to learn
some good things,what matters is are we willing to learn and make our lives more and more beautiful and worth living everyday.Even we could learn from animals as well.They teach us so many good things.Loyalty,love care and what not.They are a sort of companion to us when we are all alone.
As S.T Coleridge  says "The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions-the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or a heartfelt compliment."
So little things when come together makes a big happiness.That is what i am learning from life.